A one stop service center for homeless. Access to showers, laundry, case management, rapid rehousing and shelter.
Yuba County - Ric Teagarden Life Building Center - 131 F Street, Marysville, (530)749-6811
Mon.-Wed. 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
Sutter County - Hands of Hope - 909 Spiva Avenue, Yuba City, (530) 755-3491
Mon.-Thurs. 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
1000 Sutter Street, Yuba City, (530) 673-9420
334 Samuel Drive, Yuba City, (530) 674-9200
931 Market Street, Yuba City, (530) 671-8820
4941 Olivehurst Avenue, Olivehurst, (530) 743-4611
Adventist Health and Rideout - (530) 749-4300
A Woman's Friend - (530) 741-0556
Compassionate Friends - (530) 674-2595
Harmony Health Medical Clinic - (530) 742-5049
New Day Training Center - (530) 434-6318
National Suicidal Prevention Hotline
Dial 988 or 800-237-8255
5730 Packard Avenue, Suite 500, Marysville, (530) 749-3242
9980 Live Oak Blvd., Live Oak, (530) 749-3242
724 5th Street, Marysville, (530) 749-3242
1445 Veteran Memorial Circle, Yuba City, (530) 749-3242
Sutter Health Children's Bereavement Program
(530) 749-3460
Sutter-Yuba Behavior Health Open Access Clinic
(530) 822-7200
Yuba-Sutter Stand for the Silent - An anti-bullying program
Active Adults 55+ - (530) 822-5120 ext. 3030
Express Personnel - (530) 671-9202
PrideStaff - (530) 661-3405
Rush Personnel -(530) 770-3790
Sutter County Employment Services - (530) 822-7133
Sutter County One-Stop - (530) 822-5120
The Plus Group - (530) 671-1111
Yuba College - Sutter County - (530) 751-5600
Yuba College - Yuba County - (530) 741-6700
Yuba County Employment Services - (530) 749-6311
Yuba County One-Stop - (530) 749-4850
Alberta Gardens - (530) 749-6811
Bridges to Housing - (530) 755-3414
14Forward - Temporary Shelter Program - (530) 749-6811
Habitat for Humanity - (530) 742-2727
Regional Emergency Shelter Team - (530) 755-3491
Regional Housing Authority - (530) 671-0220
St. Vincent de Paul - (530) 454-5606
Sutter County Health and Human Services - (530) 822-7133
Sutter-Yuba Homeless Consortium - (530) 749-6311
The Salvation Army - (530) 216-4530
Yuba County Health & Human Services - Marysville, (530) 749-6838
Adult Rehabilitation Center - (530) 342-2087
Aegis - (530) 742-7747
Crossroads Community Church - (530) 751-9168
Yuba City Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs
First Steps - (530) 822-7263
Pathways - (530) 674-4530
Sutter-Yuba Behavior Health Open Access Clinic
(530) 822-7200
The Recovery Village - Yuba City, (866) 235-4572
The Salvation Army Depot Family Crisis Center - (530) 216-4530
Twin Rivers Crisis Center - (530) 751-9511
Ark Behavioral Health - (855) 490-1377
Buddy's House - (530) 674-1049
Deborah's House - (530) 635-0941
Feather River Men's Center - (530) 695-8006
Joshua House - (530) 742-7771
Lydia's House - (530) 645-7823
Pathways Residential Program House - (530) 742-6670
Twin Cities Rescue Mission - (Men's Shelter) - (530) 743-8777
Agape Food Closet - (530) 695-0610 or (530) 300-4497
Brownsville Adventist Church - (530) 675-2362
Calvary Christian Center - (530) 415-0578
Catholic Ladies Relief Society - (530) 742-6461
Christian Assistance Network (C.A.N.) - (530) 671-7344
Cornerstone Church - (530) 674-3087
Crossroads Community Church - (530) 751-9168
First Presbyterian Church - (530) 742-5541
First United Methodist Church - Yuba City (530)673-5858
First United Methodist Church - Marysville (530) 743-3007
Glad Tidings Church - (530) 671-3160
Hands and Feet Food Pantry - (916) 572-4851
Hope for Heart Relief Center - (530) 671-3160
Hope Point Nazarene - (530) 695-3996
Loma Rica Community Church - (530) 743-1880
Olivehurst Seventh Day Adventist - (530) 742-7855
Riverside Restoration Center - (530) 742-4673
St. Andrew's Church C.A.N Affiliate - (530) 673-7353
Salvation Army - (530) 216-4530 ext. 4534
St. John's Episcopal Church - (530) 742-8829
St. Joseph Church - (530) 742-6461
St. Vincent de Paul - (530) 671-5154
The Bride Church - (530) 751-0505
Twin Cities Rescue Mission - (530) 743-8777
Wheatland Baptist Church - (530) 633-4338
Yuba City Seventh Day Adventist - (530) 788-6136
Yuba-Sutter Food Bank - (530) 673-3834
First Lutheran Church - (530) 673-8894
First United Methodist Church - (530) 673-5858
Marysville First United Methodist Church - (530) 743-3007
Homeless Outreach - (530) 673-1573
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - (530) 673-7353
Yuba City Seventh Day Adventist - (530) 788-6136
American Red Cross - (530) 673-1460
Casa de Esperanza - Domestic Violence -
Office (530) 674-5400 - Crisis Hotline (530) 674-2040
Hands of Hope - (530) 755-3491
National Domestic Violence hotline - 1-800-787-3224
National Sexual Assault hotline - 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health - (530) 822-7200
Twin Rivers Crisis Center - (530) 751-9511
California's Mental Health Movement
Central Valley Homeless Veterans Assistance Program
(530) 749-4889 or (530) 741-4153
Disabled American Veterans - (530) 741-0878
VA Northern California Health Care System - (530) 751-4500
Veterans Employment Assistance - (530) 749-4891
Yuba Sutter Veterans Stand Down - (530) 749-1036
Yuba-Sutter Counties Veteran Service Office - (530) 749-6710
Children's Home Society - (530) 673-7503
Childcare Planning Council - (530) 749-4040
E Center Head Start Programs - (530) 741-2995
Live Oak Child Development Center - (530) 695-2372
Options for Change Program - (530) 822-7200
Youth Mentoring Program - (530) 822-4371
Youth for Change - (530) 822-7513
Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) -(530) 674-3070
California State Department of Rehabilitation - (530) 822-4591 TDD (530) 822-4594
Creating Connections of California - (530) 237-9589
Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) - (530) 741-6795
Family Soup - (530) 751-1925
FREED - (530) 742-4474
NorCal Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing - (530) 740-7803
Pride Industries - (530) 755-1736
Quality Education Services and Training (Quest) - (530) 751-1652
Tri-County Caregiver Relief - (530) 755-3500
Community Resource Project - Weatherization
(916) 567-5220 ext. 2224, H.E.A.P. (530) 671-7590
Habitat for Humanity - (530) 742-2727
Life Wireless - Free cell phones for those who qualify - 1-888-543-3620
St. Vincent de Paul - (530) 454-5606
The Salvation Army - (530) 216-4530
The Sutter Regional Family Law and Information Center - (530) 822-3305
California Rural Legal Assistance - (530) 742-5191
Legal Services of Northern California Health Hotline - 1-888-354-4474
Yuba Sutter Legal Center for Seniors - (530) 742-8289